This is not a drill. We have a House ESA bill.

Good Thursday afternoon. My apologies for missing two mornings in a row. I'd like to say the lapse was due to something impressive, like participating in SCOTX oral arguments or reporting to MLB spring training. But no. Just some technical difficulties, traveling, and a teething baby. Please accept this review of the House's just-filed ESA bill as a mea culpa.

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Today's Top Narrative

"A true, universal school choice program. And we have the votes to get it done." This was Speaker Burrows this morning at conservative policy's Coachella hosted by the Texas Public Policy Foundation. During his remarks, Burrows gave his clearest public support for ESAs this year of which I'm aware. “School choice doesn’t damage public schools or take money away from them. School choice is important to the education ecosystem, creating more options for those who have none,” Burrows said. “I believe we can fully fund public education while recognizing that one size does not fit all. Families deserve options. Schools deserve resources. One without the other leaves Texas short.”

Burrows also used the occassion to announce the filing of House Bill 3 by Rep. Brad Buckley (R–Salado). This is the House's long-awaited version of the ESA bill. Yeah, kind of a big deal.